Scottish Child Payment
Information regarding the £100 every week payment for children under the age of 16 can be found in this section

Young Person Carer’s allowance and Grant
This section will offer guidance on how Young People offering support for family members and loved ones can apply for financial support

Student Support
This section will provide information and Links to support and available for school, College and University students

Educational Maintenance Allowance
Education Maintenance Allowances (EMAs) give financial support to eligible 16 to 19 year olds who want to continue learning.

Crisis Support for Young People
Supporting young people in crisis - Find out more here regarding how you can help

Combatting loneliness
Loneliness is a major health threat. It increases the risk of stress, anxiety and depression and doubles the risk of dementia. Loneliness can occur at different ages and stages; however many of the triggers tend to congregate in later life due to life changes such as bereavement, retirement, moving to a new area, illness or children moving away from home.
This section helps to provide links and sources of information to people experiencing loneliness

Young Carer Grant
Young Carer Grant is a yearly payment of £359.65 for young carers in Scotland. To be able to get Young Carer Grant, you must be 16, 17 or 18 years old.
Find out more here!

Mental and additional support for Young people
Additional Support for Young People - Young people quite often need encouragement and support to seek the help they may need in difficult times and to build confidence to interact with friends

Job Start payment
You can apply for Job Start Payment as:
• a young person
• a care leaver
Find out more here

Inspiring Young Voices
Inspiring Young Voices is the new name for the charity formerly known as Highland Children & Young People’s Forum. Our aim is to promote participation by enabling children and young people to have their voices heard where and when they wish. We support and advise them on how to raise awareness and influence positive change in matters they see as important. We ensure their human rights are upheld, creating increased opportunities and a continually improving quality of life and holding people to account.

Young Scot
Young Scot is here for 11 to 26-year-olds in Scotland… Find out about our information, Young Scot National Entitlement Card, discounts, opportunities and more!