Mental Health and Money Advice
Cost-of-living crisis and impact on mental health
We know that many people are feeling the strain as the cost of living continues to increase. In this section, people will find information about how they can maintain their mental wellbeing at this time, alongside information on how to manage money as their bills rise.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health
CAMHS stands for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services.
CAMHS is the name for the NHS services that assess and treat young people with emotional, behavioural or mental health difficulties. You might also see CYPMHS used which stands for Children and Young People’s Mental Health Services.
Find out more here

Living Life to the fullest
Lots of people struggle at times in life. Living Life to the Full teaches a range of life skills that are based on the tried and trusted CBT approach, aiming to improve wellbeing and resilience as people go through the journey of life.

Gambling Support and Advice
If you're worried about how gambling makes people feel or how it may be affecting someone’s mental and the impact on their family, help and suppprt can be found here

Scottish Association for Mental Health
Tracing our roots back to 1923 and pre-dating the NHS, SAMH has been there for Scotland’s mental health for a century!. Find out more about the information and support available in this section

Listening Ear for Caithness
Providing compassionate support for anyone facing challenges affecting their mental health across Caithness

Mental Health and Money advice
Clear, practical advice and support for people experiencing issues with mental health and money.

Mikeysline was founded in late 2015 after a tragic number of suicides in the Highland area.
Since then, a lot has happened. We have been supporting people in emotional distress and struggling with their mental health ever since.
Find out more about the support available here.

Combatting loneliness
Loneliness is a major health threat. It increases the risk of stress, anxiety and depression and doubles the risk of dementia. Loneliness can occur at different ages and stages; however many of the triggers tend to congregate in later life due to life changes such as bereavement, retirement, moving to a new area, illness or children moving away from home.
This section helps to provide links and sources of information to people experiencing loneliness

Health and Wellbeing
This area cover information with regards to support available with regards to any area of Mental Health Wellbeing for individuals and families.

Befrienders Worldwide
We believe in giving a person the opportunity to explore feelings which can cause distress, the importance of being listened to, in confidence, anonymously, and without prejudice. Find out more here

Inspiring Young Voices
Inspiring Young Voices is the new name for the charity formerly known as Highland Children & Young People’s Forum. Our aim is to promote participation by enabling children and young people to have their voices heard where and when they wish. We support and advise them on how to raise awareness and influence positive change in matters they see as important. We ensure their human rights are upheld, creating increased opportunities and a continually improving quality of life and holding people to account.