
If someone tells you that they are homeless and don’t have anywhere to stay, Highland Council can provide temporary emergency accommodation.

They should contact the local service and access point: Service and Access Points | The Highland Council

Or for out of hours support call the Homelessness Team: 01349 886691

Highland Council can also support to improve their housing situation:

  • Advise about housing and help to work out what options are available.

  • Help to deal with housing or tenancy problems

  • Help to resolve difficulties with landlords, relatives and parents

  • Advise your rights if you are a tenant

  • Provide guidance if you are separating from your partner

  • Provide advice and guidance if it is not safe to remain in the home due to domestic abuse.

CRISIS support

Crisis homelessness charity - Together we will end homelessness

We work side by side with people as they find ways out of homelessness.

Find out more via the above link


Emergency Food


Domestic Abuse